Zhu, Longyan

Zhu, Longyan

5.0 (8 reviews)


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Basic Information

From: Chongqing, China
Languages: Mandarin, English
Services: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady), Live-out nanny, Meal Prep

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About me

我是四川籍月嫂: Longyanzhu ,59岁,出生在大连,生长在陕西西安, 身体健康,每年定期体检,已注射新4针冠加强针,幽门杆菌阴性、无甲肝乙肝,无基础病,精力旺盛,对月嫂工作无比热爱,因为它是一项多元化,高强度要求的工作,能展示自己的才能,也能体现人生的价值!所以,必须要有健康体格作保障,选择我,你是正确的,我时刻准备着为您服务[抱拳][玫瑰] 【工作经历】 自2009年退休后一直从事育婴和母婴护理工作至今,前后共计护理过100余名新生儿。有丰富的护理新生儿,在国内主要在我的生活城市西安做月嫂,2016年来到美国做月嫂到至今,也曾在美国带过一对儿代孕双胞胎,3磅8、和4磅9的双胞胎的经验,满月后体重增长一倍,非常健康!我对自己工作非常热爱,喜欢照顾宝贝,看着幼小宝贝一天天健康成长和变化,有一种满足感,我的工作得到所有雇主的认可!这也是我喜欢这份工作的原因之一。 【个人优势】 1、月子餐南北方口味,满足不同家庭,可以随客户要求,做得丰富可口,色香味俱全的月子餐,根据产妇体质调整月子餐、月子汤,月子茶,擅长面食和煲营养汤,我的月子餐特点是南北交融于一体,每天变换不同的月子餐。善于帮助宝妈进行母乳喂养、会开奶、会通乳;能熟练地瓶喂、拍嗝、脐带护理、会观察新生儿黄疸,包皮护理的工作。 2、真心热爱母婴工作,喜欢呵护小孩,让宝宝在我的怀里得到温暖和健康的照顾!作为月嫂能为千家万户服务,我感觉无比荣耀的这份职业,我会努力做好这份职业!我热爱这份工作! 3、性格开朗,普通话好,会一些简单英语生活交流,沟通能力强,善于与产妇及家庭沟通,帮助产妇缓解产后忧郁,急用户所急 ,努力创建和谐共处,让产妇愉快度过月子。 4、善于积极学习有关月嫂行业方面的各项技能,与时俱进,力争满足各个家庭的需求!


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Background Check

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Customer Reviews

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  • Evidence Submitted
    45 days ago | USA
    Service type: Postpartum Doula
    Aunt Zhu was a life saver for me post partum! I was so grateful she left space between jobs as my baby came very early and reassured me she would be on standby. She had a great attitude throughout our time with her, was extremely hardworking and very accommodating to my family’s preferences. She would go above and beyond expectations and was proactive in trying to anticipate our needs.

    Aunt Zhu is extremely caring and very experienced in handling children. She was amazing with both my newborn son and 21 month old daughter, often going the extra step to get my daughter to smile and encourage them both to eat well. My son was a premie and during her one month with us he was able to quickly surpass his birth weight by gaining 3 lbs despite being an extremely slow eater. I attribute this weight gain to Aunt Zhu’s patience and experience in encouraging the baby to eat more, as he always ate more than when I fed him myself! Aunt Zhu loves children and it definitely shows in the way she engaged with and played with my 21 month daughter.

    Her cooking was delicious and she cooked us many specialty dishes from scratch, designed to accommodate both mine and my husband’s food preferences all while ensuring they were well balanced meals to help with my recovery and milk production. I felt so well taken care of during her time with us and would highly recommend her.
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  • Evidence Submitted
    141 days ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)





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  • Evidence Submitted
    152 days ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    朱阿姨是一个非常认真负责的月嫂,陪伴我们和宝宝生活了两个月。阿姨做事认真负责,又快又好。她能够很好地兼顾照顾小月龄宝宝和做饭或者其他家务,并且总是能把宝宝的需求放在前头。阿姨随和开朗又乐观的性格让我们相处非常愉快。 此外,阿姨饭菜手艺也很不错,讲究营养均衡健康饮食,面点水平更是厉害!

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  • Evidence Submitted
    194 days ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    朱阿姨在我家做了两个月月嫂,我们很喜欢她。阿姨服务态度好,技术水平高。技术方面带孩子有经验,有爱心和耐心,最主要的是心很细,手很轻,抱孩子很小心。阿姨做饭也用心,烤的点心很好吃。 态度方面做事情积极认真不偷懒,做事也很有章法,很讲究不糊弄。我家宝宝月子里非常闹睡觉不好,阿姨也没有嫌弃或不耐烦,只要有空就抢着带孩子让我休息。虽然阿姨晚上休息不好,但白天做事情还是高高兴兴,热火朝天。总之非常推荐朱阿姨,孩子给她带可以放心。... Show more
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  • Evidence Submitted
    220 days ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
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  • 255 days ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    朱阿姨做事认真。做饭好吃。对孕妇和宝宝都很负责。非常推荐. 一切经历都会放到孕妇和宝宝还有我们家人上。非常有经验。能找到她是我们的荣幸... Show more
  • Evidence Submitted
    255 days ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    2. 专业。我当时面试了好些阿姨,朱阿姨是回答怎样处理各种宝宝问题最专业的。这些专业也在护理宝宝的过程中表现了出来,我们很放心把宝宝交给她。在护理我的过程中她也很专业,很多产后不适她都能忙我减轻。
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  • Evidence Submitted
    257 days ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    I recently had the pleasure of welcoming the second daughter to our family, and I cannot express enough gratitude for the incredible support we received from our newborn care nanny, Longyan. From the moment she entered our home, it was evident that her love for babies goes beyond just a job—it's a genuine passion.
    Longyan's patience with our newborn was truly remarkable. She handled every task with a gentle touch, making the baby feel comfortable and secure. Whether it was soothing during sleepless nights or engaging in stimulating activities during the day, her dedication to our baby's well-being was evident. It's reassuring as a parent to witness someone so devoted to providing the best care for your little one.
    What sets Longyan apart is not only her exceptional care for the baby but also her attentiveness to the needs of the mother. As a new mom, her assistance was invaluable. Longyan not only ensured the baby was content but also took excellent care of me with her culinary skills and soothing massage services. Her meals were not only delicious but also tailored to nourish and replenish a new mother's energy—a thoughtful touch that made the postpartum period much more manageable.
    Additionally, Longyan's expertise in massage provided much-needed relaxation and relief. Her gentle and skilled approach was not only physically rejuvenating but also emotionally comforting during a time when self-care often takes a backseat.
    In summary, Longyan is not just a nanny; she is a compassionate caregiver who becomes an integral part of the family. Her love for babies, paired with her exceptional patience and dedication, makes her an outstanding choice for anyone seeking top-notch newborn care. I wholeheartedly recommend Longyan to any new parent looking for a supportive and caring presence during the precious early days of parenthood.
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