

5.0 (6 reviews)

Job seeking

李丽文 looking for jobs
Service areas: 全美接双胞胎,单胎
Start date: 2025年7月之后
Service types: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
2 weeks ago


Wechat ID:aiquncun58 
Wechat ID:QR Code
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Basic Information

From: Guangdong, China
Languages: Mandarin, Cantonese
Services: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)

Service areas

Serve anyware in USA

About me

工作经验: 2024年1月至今在洛杉矶,纽约做月嫂 2023年在洛杉矶,旧金山,芝加哥,佛罗里达做月嫂 2022年在美国纽约,波士顿,旧金山做月嫂 2021年在广东广州、顺德、东莞做月嫂 2020年在广东广州、深圳、佛山、吴川、茂名做月嫂 2019年在澳洲墨尔本,阿德莱德做月嫂,育儿嫂 2018~2019在广东中山、惠州、深圳、广州做月嫂 2017年~2018年在珠三角一带做月嫂 2016~2017在广州、恩平、茂名做月嫂 我的工作内容包括:     产妇护理:乳房护理、做月子营养餐、观察恶露、指导产后恢复操、产妇不能自理时帮助其擦身、必要时对产妇进行心里辅导等。 新生儿护理:人工和混合喂养、洗澡、抚触、脐部和臀部护理以及黄疸,红臀等护理。双胎专业户,擅长独立完成双胎护理 自我评价:从2016年服务过五十多个宝宝,带过早产儿、试管宝宝,双胞胎,低重儿,处理过乳头内陷,扁平等喂养困难客户。为人开朗善良热心,做事麻利,有条理性。对所服务的雇主用心细心,耐心正直跟户主家人和自己家人一样亲,和睦相处,让你放心安心坐好月子。我的爱心、耐心和专业技能为您服务!感恩您给予我就业的机会。相信我们的合作一定很愉快!


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Customer Reviews

  • Authenticity: 9/10
    2 months ago | USA
    Liwen worked with us for almost 11 weeks. During that time, she took excellent care of our baby and me. As a first time mom, I was nervous about bringing home a newborn, but as soon as she arrived at our house, I felt at ease that we were in great hands.

    Experience: she has a ton of experience and knowledge of taking care of a newborn and a new mother. Our baby had many skin issues and she was able to recognize them early and recommend products that that may help. She was patient in talking through different solutions and very respectful of methods I was comfortable or not comfortable in trying. She got our baby on a great feeding and sleeping schedule -- by the time she left, our baby was able to sleep 9-10 hours at night with 1 night feed. In terms of caring for the mother, she made traditonal chinese medicine remedies that helped me heal. She was knowledgable about lactation and breastfeeding and helped me establish a good milk supply and resolve clogged ducts with herbs, broths, and massages. She also knew how to use all the various pumps, which I didn't know, and set them all up for me.

    Gentle and sweet with the baby: she was always gentle and very sweet and loving towards the baby. She would sing nursery rhymes, recite poems, and talk to the baby all the time. She played with the baby to encourage growth and development -- looking at black/white cards, tummy time, kicking, gentle exercises etc. Our baby loved her! She would recognize Liwen's voice and smile or calm down if she was being fussy.

    Thoughtfulness and anticipates needs: she is thoughtful and would anticipate my needs. For example, in the beginning when the baby hadn't estalished a feeding schedule yet, it was often tricky to squeeze meals in during feedings. She would recognize the baby's hunger cues and proactively play with the baby or give them a bath, so I have time to eat my meal and have energy to feed the baby.

    Flexibility and willingness to try new things: I was very appreciative of her flexbility to try new methods. She was always open to experimenting to see if something will work and trial/error a new approach to adapt to our family's needs. For example, she helped us test whether a "dream feed" would work with our baby. For a couple of weeks, she helped us tweak the feeding and sleeping schedule until we found an optimal one for our baby and family.

    Cooking: her cooking is delicious! I knew I wanted someone from Guangdong because of their expertise in bone broths. Her bone broths were delicious and healing. Each day would be a new type of broth (if you hire her, please ask her to make the chicken/coconut broth!). She continously adapted her cooking to my husband and I's taste. She was open in trying new recipes I showed her, which she learned super fast.

    I feel grateful to have had Liwen during my confinement period and the newborn stage. She helped me heal and learn so much as a new mother.
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  • Authenticity: 8/10
    4 months ago | USA
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  • Authenticity: 9/10
    1 year ago | USA
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  • Authenticity: 9/10
    1 year ago | USA
    这次来美国生孩子遇到月嫂文姐特别好,文姐开朗大方 做事利落 沟通也非常顺利 如果可以我都想一直让文姐带我的宝宝。现在宝宝都特别认她 有时候哭闹还真是只能文姐搞定才可以,真希望回国以后也能碰到文姐这样好的月嫂。想着马上就要回国要和文姐分开了 都很舍不得!我们会想念你的!最后 祝愿文姐在美国顺顺利利 照顾更多的小宝宝!!... Show more
  • Authenticity: 8/10
    1 year ago | USA
    雯姐非常能干,照顾早产儿新生儿和产妇的技能也完全让人放心,在国内都是经过专业训练的。雯姐为人很开明直爽,相处起来没有芥蒂。雯姐热爱烹饪和做甜品,学新工具也很快,会主动做很多新品。我觉得最好的是,尤其喜欢小孩子,经常抱着弟弟和姐姐一起玩的开心,一人带俩都完全没有问题,其乐融融。我们忙着照顾姐姐,经常忽视弟弟,雯姐会给弟弟拍照做拼图,记录了很多美好的回忆。我们觉得遇到雯姐非常幸运!... Show more
    李丽文's response: 三个月的照顾,雯EE走的那天小嘟嘟你刚好100天,你由不到5磅到现在白白胖胖的,点点滴滴记忆犹新,每天早晨你醒来治愈的笑容,让雯EE动力十足,陪你吚吚吖吖学语,还有一起和姐姐玩耍,真的很不舍!愿你毕露锋芒伶俐眼,思如涌泉无可比,博学多才览群会,百年树人于今起,天地灵气凝一身,祝歌四起传万里,福寿齐天满堂红... Show more
  • Authenticity: 9/10
    1 year ago | USA
    我们是2023年2月份请雯姐来做我们的月嫂。我是刨腹产,孩子出生当日就将雯姐接到医院开始照顾我和宝宝。雯姐属于月嫂的年轻新生代,虽然年轻但在照顾新生儿和产后恢复方面却颇有经验。她可以根据宝宝和产妇的实际需求合理安排每天的工作和时间,干活积极主动效率也比较高。对于新生儿脐带、黄疸等方面的护理很有经验也很细心。产妇的通乳以及刨腹产术后伤口护理也很细心周到。月子餐力求色香味俱全,根据产妇的体质合理搭配饮食,包括各种辅助汤水每天都安排的紧紧有条。我们对雯姐的服务非常满意!... Show more