

5.0 (10 reviews)


Phone:+1 (949) 922-0974 
Wechat ID:13971336848 
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Basic Information

From: Hubei, China
Languages: Mandarin, English
Services: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)

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About me

本科文化,身高160厘米,体重60kg。 绿卡,有驾照,有医保,会开车。2014年从事月嫂育儿工作至今,曾经护理过头胎、二胎、双胞胎及早产儿等无数初出生婴儿,并得到好评多多,本人经过国家机构正式考核取得高级育婴师证,在旧金山、洛杉矶、波士顿、西雅图、达拉斯多个城市做月嫂及育婴师的工作,本人身体健康精力充沛,工作认真、具备爱心、耐心、细心、责任心、爱干净做事麻利,眼里有活。性格温和好沟通,特别喜欢小宝宝,懂得婴幼儿常见病的预防及护理,给宝宝喂奶,拍嗝, 洗澡, 做抚触排气操,以及黄疸的预防及脐带臀部的护理, 催奶, 包皮护理。总是把宝妈和宝宝当作自己的家人一样对待,同时也擅长做各种营养月子餐,遵循一排二调三进补原则,让产妇逐渐恢复体力和元气。帮助产妇开奶、分泌乳汁,让宝宝第一时间能吃到黄金初乳,保证宝宝的粮仓充足,指导宝妈产后恢复操及心理辅导等,在美国有健康体检,结果一切正常范围内,注射了流感疫苗、百日咳疫苗、破伤风疫苗、辉瑞疫苗!


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Customer Reviews

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  • Evidence Submitted
    1 month ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    ... Show more
  • Evidence Submitted
    3 months ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    We are first time parents, and with our immediate family living abroad, we knew that we needed help to take care of our firstborn. That said, it was still very difficult for me to entrust someone with the care of my baby, especially having not met that person before. But, if you are in that position now, I want to reassure you: Lily is someone you can trust wholeheartedly.
    As a medical doctor, it was very important to me that I had a nanny who understood my baby’s health needs. Lily's knowledge of infant care and development has always been on point. Everything my pediatrician recommended —from vitamin D supplementation to feeding guidelines— were already familiar to me because of her guidance. Lily has taken care of over 50 newborns, and it really shows. My baby had issues like eczema, cradle cap, colic, and I had low milk production, and very painful and extensive clogged ducts. When I ran into these issues, my first instinct was to ask my pediatrician or do my own internet research, but it always turned out that Lily’s initial recommendation was always the most effective. This is not just a testament to her experience of working with so many babies and mothers, but also the fact that she is truly diligent about researching all the different solutions and products. Her recommendations were so often superior to what I had read online or recommended by my pediatrician that my husband and I always joke, “When in doubt, in Lily we trust”.
    The care that Lily provides does not just stop on the physical health, but also the development of the baby. I learned from Lily that it is important to always be interacting with my child. Whenever the baby was awake, Lily would be constantly talking, laughing and joking with the baby. I honestly think this helped my baby’s cognitive development. It was hard for me to do this because, especially at the beginning, the baby doesn’t really interact with you or smile at you, but Lily was constantly encouraging me to talk to the baby, tell the baby stories, sing songs and play music, etc. My husband was the first to crack the code on this; he started reading the baby his email.
    Lily's expertise in establishing sleep routines was also invaluable. By the time she left, we had a consistent schedule that was so helpful for me being able to return to work full time.
    More than just caring for my child, Lily empowered me with knowledge and confidence. Her guidance during those early months was truly invaluable. If we ever have another baby, we would definitely work with her again.
    ... Show more
  • 5 months ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    非常幸运,在换了一个月嫂后,临时能找到像lily这么专业的月嫂,因为有lily的照顾恢复的也非常的快,心情也很轻松愉悦,Lily对宝宝护理专业知识能看出来也在跟进,因为很多护理知识跟几年前我有大宝的时候都不太一样了,我也是听到医生说和看一些网上的报道才知道,但是lily都能答疑出来,也是让我很放心的原因之一,每天都会给我煮适合我这几天身体需求的月子水,月子餐虽然清淡但是都很好吃而且搭配的营养健康,我想也是我恢复迅速的原因之一,让我很很是惊喜,帮我通乳腺的手法也很好,让我从最先开始没奶的奶渣妈妈变成排奶量是宝宝需求两倍的奶霸,最主要一点是能看出真的很爱小宝宝,这才是让宝妈放心的基础... Show more
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  • 6 months ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    宝宝早产,又是双胞胎,Lily阿姨非常贴心的在出院前帮我买好了月子要用的餐食,味道也很好,对我也很体贴照顾,亲和专业,对宝宝们也是细心呵护,非常有爱心,专业敬业,积极主动而且特别有分寸,相处起来非常愉快!... Show more
  • 6 months ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    Lilly’s review
    Lilly is an amazing confinement nanny from beginning to end. She is extremely experienced and proactive. When I came home from the hospital, she already had everything prepared and clean, and had nourishing food ready for me. I was unable to produce milk for my baby (lactation consultant at the hospital was useless) and she helped me go from zero to having enough milk quickly so I never had to supplement.

    She cooked tasty foods that are nourishing and ensured that the foods help me produce milk as well. We even eventually got a schedule going where she feeds my baby my pumped milk at night so that I can sleep through the night. Lilly is also very clean and tidy. I will be hiring Lilly again when I have my second!
    ... Show more
  • Evidence Submitted
    6 months ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    Lily 照顾宝妈方面也是尽心尽力,产后恢复,开奶,排湿,营养餐,各方面我都很满意。每天都会做汤和月子水给我喝,并叮嘱我不要忘记。Lily厨艺也很棒,月子里面都吃的很好,我恢复也很快。
    ... Show more
  • 6 months ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    lily阿姨带娃专业细心有耐心 做饭也符合我们一家人口味 三餐两点换这样得做 厨房也收拾得干干净净 非常推荐!... Show more
  • Evidence Submitted
    7 months ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    莉阿姨很专业,非常有责任心。在我月子期间把我和宝宝照顾的很好。她做饭好吃,也很勤快,会跟宝宝互动。帮我的家庭度过了生产后最困难的一个月。非常感谢她!... Show more
  • Evidence Submitted
    7 months ago | China
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    非常好的体验,阿姨是非常有经验,而且有当地生活的经验,很多事情可以指导我们去做。带宝宝也很细致,做菜也很好吃,符合口味。有二娃还找她... Show more
  • Evidence Submitted
    7 months ago | China
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    阿姨照顾宝宝很细心,关键是很有爱心,总是会用温柔可爱的语气跟宝宝说话,夸她棒棒的,让月子里的宝宝生活习惯很好,没有出现什么问题。阿姨做饭也很好吃,干事麻利... Show more