

5.0 (6 reviews)

Job seeking

卢慧娜 looking for jobs
Service areas: 全美接单
Start date: 2025年1月开始
Service types: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
4 days ago


Phone:+1 (279) 208-8679 
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Basic Information

From: Guangdong, China
Languages: Mandarin, Cantonese
Services: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)

Service areas


About me

本人卢慧娜,今年五十三岁。在美国绿卡身份,有医疗保险、体验报告、已接种疫苗、会开车,从事月嫂工作十年, 2014 年考有月嫂证、催乳证、产康证,空闲时间不断学习, 曾到广州、深圳、北京、美国从事月嫂工作。 本人能根据产妇的身体情况搭配适合的月子餐、营养膳食,精通产后通乳、 催乳及产后恢复,对产后患有抑郁症的产妇进行心理疏导, 细心呵护宝妈产褥期。 曾护理过早产儿、黄疸婴儿。每天根据新生儿情况进行 抚触被动操,利用语言和运动使其大脑早期开发、细心呵护 宝宝一切情况,对宝宝的用品用具进行干净卫生的清洗及消毒,能独立处理新生儿的常见问题,擅长:月子餐、月子汤、月子水、分阶段调理。 多谢每一位顾主对我工作的认可和信任,使我对工作充满热爱和信心,选择我为您服务能使我们像亲人般相处,用我的爱心让您满意。 以下为本人所获证书、竞赛培训、工作等照片: 岗位能力培训证书


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Customer Reviews

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  • 213 days ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    I had a wonderful experience with her.
    My son arrived prematurely, he is almost a month ahead of the due date.
    Once we came home from the hospital, she was ready and able to help me and my wife.
    She helped my wife with going through the first month, taking care of my newborn, and cooking meals for the family.
    I never once had to ask her to do anything because she was always on top of everything that needed to be done.
    She genuinely cares and loves taking care of our son, which is why I never once worried my son in her care.
    I would definitely recommend her to anyone who needs a nanny.
    ... Show more
  • Evidence Submitted
    510 days ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    娜姐是我二宝的月嫂,我非常感谢她!因为有过一胎的经验,我看出娜姐是个很有经验的月嫂,并且性格特别好,月子里我们相处的很融洽,所以我很放心把二宝全权交给她,有时我喂奶娜姐还会帮我照看大宝,做饭给大宝吃,我家大宝也很喜欢娜姐。她让我度过了一个舒服的月子并治愈了我之前的月子病。一胎的时候不懂,被提前定好的月嫂放了鸽子。我临时找了个不靠谱的月嫂阿姨,导致我一胎月子后留下很多月子病,经常偏头痛,关节痛,湿气重等等。所以好的月嫂真的非常重要!娜姐来到我家就开始着手忙碌起来了,完全不需要我操心安排她做什么。做饭会根据我的口味来搭配,根据不同时间煲不同的月子水月子汤给我补气血,最重要的是通乳特别棒!二宝的包皮护理也特别好!是个非常有经验的月嫂阿姨,我强推给各位需要的宝妈!... Show more
The reviews below were posted more than 600 days ago and they are no longer factored into the caregiver's overall rating. Request a background check to access the complete content of the following historical reviews and additional offline feedback.
    612 days ago娜姐,多谢您......
    613 days ago娜姐在我家工......
    818 days ago我们是湾区双......
    836 days ago小娜阿姨带宝......