

5.0 (6 reviews)

Job seeking

张香菊 looking for jobs
Service areas: 全美接单,双胞胎,单胎,早产儿。
Start date: 2025 /5 /1
Service types: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady), Lactation consultant
4 days ago


Phone:+1 (626) 548-1167 
Wechat ID:Jxz18201607217 
Wechat ID:QR Code
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Basic Information

From: Beijing, China
Languages: Mandarin
Services: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady), Lactation consultant

Service areas

Serve anyware in USA

About me

👉👉自我介绍: 专业:北京协和医院特级🏅金牌月嫂 🌈🌈资挌证书: 北京协和医院特级🏅金牌月嫂证书 北京市劳动局第一届月嫂证书 北京市无痛催乳师证书 营养师证🍮厨师证 专业按摩师证书 🏆🏆持有证件: 美国工卡、美国驾照、美国医疗保险 美国检查报告(白百破、美国新冠疫苗、幽门螺旋杆菌、流感、带状泡疹疫苗、血糖血脂血压、心脏、甲乙肝等均为正常) 📈📈工作经验: 自2003年开始在北京协和医院做月嫂,带过100多个宝宝,正常儿、双胞胎、三胞胎、早产儿、包皮护理,实践经验丰富。带双胞胎纯母乳喂养,处理哺乳期乳房遇到各种问题,常年护理,对每个产妇乳房护理,产后修复,子宫复位,月子护理经验十分丰富,新生儿出生后常见的异常能够及时调理。宝宝大脑开发、蒙氏早教、睡眠调整、语言训练、普拉提训练、精细动作训练、褪黑素分泌调整、早产儿十二指肠闭锁。对男宝宝包皮护理经验丰富,培养宝宝好习惯。 2017年来美至今(全美接单),积累了丰富的临床护理经验,预防各种新生儿常见疾病,护理过早产低体重儿、早产先天性心脏病、乳糖不耐受、蛋白质过敏、试管双胞胎和代孕宝宝。 👼👼新生儿: 科学喂养,新生儿初乳喂养(人工和汇合喂养)、洗澡、抚触、脐带护理、红屁股护理,(新生儿红斑,痤疮的护理)、黄疸的观察(判断宝宝的喂养是否合适,前期科学喂养宝宝没有黄疸)、包皮护理、羊水二度污染皮肤严重感染的宝宝护理。新生儿蒙氏教育潜能开发,根据二便的观察进行喂养调理,调整头型和合理的作息时间(宝宝前期的黑白颠倒),精细动作的训练培养宝宝好习惯。 👩‍🦰👩‍🦰产妇: 顺产、剖宫产、高龄、高糖、产后严重抑郁失眠的产妇和其他疾病的产妇有丰富的产褥期护理经验,产后康复训练、精通经络疏通、排毒、卵巢保养的专业技能。观察产妇的身体状况,疏解产后焦虑,做好产后恢复;乳房前期的开奶以及乳房的护理和保养;根据产妇的体质和饮食习惯,合理搭配营养月子餐,促进产妇恢复健康,保持产妇月子期间心情舒畅及良好的状态。 🍎🍎营养配餐: 精通南北菜系、其中南方靓汤、北方面食、月子营养配餐。 🌺🌺本人性格开朗朴实,工作认真踏实、吃苦耐劳、有责任心,对宝宝有爱心,能使宝妈和宝宝健康、快乐、平安地度过人生的非常时期。 欢迎预约我的月嫂服务..


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Customer Reviews

Our platform may label a review as Evidence or Suspicious based on the employment evidence provided. Learn more

  • Evidence Submitted
    5 months ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
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  • Evidence Submitted
    6 months ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    I'm an OB/GYN physician and I booked Zhang ayi for my second child after a C section. We were incredibly fortunate to have her care for our newborn and toddler. From the moment she joined our family, she demonstrated a level of dedication and expertise that put our minds at ease. Not only did she ensure our newborn slept soundly through the night, but she also nurtured our toddler with kindness and patience.

    Zhang ayi went above and beyond by preparing delicious and nutritious meals for our family and even grandparents when they visited. She knows how to make a wide variety of foods and even made mantou in animal shapes for my toddler, everything she made was delicious and restaurant quality. She knows what foods to make to support postpartum healing and breastfeeding. Her attention to detail extended beyond childcare as she also helped maintain a clean and organized household. She helped make sure baby was well taken care of and developing appropriately. Baby was smiling before 1 month and tracking objects soon after. She was knowledgeable and supportive with breastfeeding and I have an oversupply of breastmilk while still being well rested, baby sleeps 4-5 hr at a time overnight on breastmilk and has gained over 4 lbs at 6 weeks. My first baby was fussy due to gas around the second month and would only sleep 1 hr at a time, but she has managed it well with massage for the baby.

    Her professionalism, warmth, and genuine love for children were evident in every interaction. We are immensely grateful for her invaluable contribution to our family and would highly recommend her to anyone seeking exceptional support. She truly is an expert in newborn and postpartum care!
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  • Evidence Submitted
    8 months ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    We hired Miss Zhang for our second child from birth to 3 months old. Zhang cared lovingly for our newborn baby boy and also helped to take care of our older daughter, who was 2.5 years old.

    Zhang is a very experienced Yue Sao - both in terms of caring for baby and for mom. She is a very good cook and made dishes for myself, my husband and our toddler that we all enjoyed. She takes great pride in making sure mom is especially well-fed and cared for so that I would have enough breast milk supply. Our son grew from 6 lbs 13 oz at birth to 16 lbs by the time he turned 3 months. I fed him exclusively with breastmilk and even had enough supply to pump and freeze an extra 400ml of breastmilk each day.

    Zhang is gentle and attentive to details - our baby never cried while taking a bath, never had a diaper rash, his baby acne was very mild and cleared within a few days. You can tell our baby was well cared for not only because of how fast he grew but also how quickly he developed. He was barely two months old when he started laughing. He sleeps well and rarely cries.

    It is clear Zhang really cares about children and develops a special relationship with each child. We'll miss her when she leaves for her next job!
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  • Evidence Submitted
    11 months ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    张阿姨在我们家照顾了我跟宝宝一个多月。在这期间张阿姨给我们做了非常多好吃的,尤其是肉夹馍饺子一类的面食非常好吃,我老公现在还念念不忘。由于我是剖腹产加上第一次当妈妈,一开始母乳喂养很困难,张阿姨帮我通乳还有教我用正确的姿势给宝宝喂奶,很快实现了全母乳喂养。除了从身体上照顾我跟宝宝,张阿姨也很细心,产后有时候心情不好张阿姨也会耐心跟我聊天开解我。... Show more
  • Evidence Submitted
    1 year ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)



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  • 1 year ago | China
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
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    张香菊's response: 我是在加拿大替别的月嫂工,我抱孩子拍嗝,脐带护理,给宝妈无痛催乳手法,比别的月嫂专业,宝妈一对比我带孩子非常专业,催乳而且无痛手法专一,得到宝妈认可。谢谢宝妈对我的好评……... Show more