

5.0 (5 reviews)


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From: Shandong, China
Languages: Mandarin
Services: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)

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Nanny background check 月嫂、育儿嫂背景调查

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Customer Reviews

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  • Evidence Submitted
    179 days ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    Sophia has been an exceptional nanny among the three we've had. Her genuine love for babies stands out as the most crucial factor. Throughout her time with us, Sophia demonstrated a true passion for ensuring both mom and baby's happiness and well-being. When our baby faced challenges like difficulty sleeping and reluctance for breast milk feeding initially, Sophia's experienced guidance and various feeding methods made a significant difference. She not only helped our baby establish a healthy daily schedule but also showcased impressive cooking skills. Sophia went the extra mile by preparing delicious and nutritious meals daily. Even when I missed my hometown's traditional dishes, she took the initiative to search online and successfully recreated them, making me feel connected to my roots. There are numerous other things Sophia excelled at, and as a new mom, I can confidently say that with Sophia's support, each day was filled with happiness and good health. The value she brings is truly worth the investment. I genuinely wish for the means to have Sophia with us every day :)... Show more
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  • 228 days ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    王阿姨是一个非常专业也非常敬业的月嫂阿姨。 她在我们家服务了40天左右,因为她的下一家客户提前生产,所以提前了几天走。如果她有档期,我会继续留用王阿姨照顾宝宝到两个月。如果我生二胎,我也会再次请王阿姨来照顾。




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  • 478 days ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    我很喜欢王阿姨的育儿观念 她不是传统的老一派带孩子得方法 王阿姨懂得根据宝宝的需求来照顾它 并且把宝宝训练的喝奶睡觉都很有规律 现在宝宝两个月 已经快要戒掉夜奶了 王阿姨特别喜欢笑 总是拉长奶音和宝宝说话 唱儿歌 宝宝也变得特别喜欢笑 能看得出她是真心的喜欢小孩子 现在宝宝一哭 她就马上可以为分辨宝宝需要的是什么 我抱着宝宝安抚都没用 王阿姨一抱起宝宝 他就不哭了 真的很神奇 她在家的时候 我可以特别放心的出门 王阿姨的月嫂经验很丰富 她第一天来家里 所有的电器 厨房用品 婴儿用具 我不用教 她全部都会 直接上手 这是去了很多不同家庭做月嫂累积下来的经验... Show more
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  • Evidence Submitted
    547 days ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    1. 对宝宝专业负责:看得出王阿姨是真心喜欢孩子,每天都把宝宝呵护得很好,换尿布喂奶就不用说了,排气操、趴睡做得勤,我们的宝宝已经第二个月了,但目前都没有肠胀气和肠绞痛的烦恼。会教我们平日怎么护理各个部位,非常细致。经常和宝宝说话唱歌,每天都笑眯眯的,看着心情就很好。
    2. 做事细心有条理:第一天来就把我们家厨房整理得干干净净,连抽屉里平时乱放的厨具工具也帮我们分类摆放整齐。平时时间安排很满,做饭、刷奶瓶、哄宝宝都能兼顾到位。
    3. 做饭好吃:王阿姨的饭菜做得很好吃,尤其是煲汤和面食。每天都会煲各种汤,清淡不油腻,适合产后恢复和下奶。平时主食会换着花样做各种包子,饺子,馅饼,花卷,我和老公都很爱吃,走之前还特地给我们做了很多在冰箱。
    4. 性格好容易沟通:阿姨性格乐观直爽,月子期间很容易抑郁或者心情不好,但是王阿姨爽朗的笑声和开导帮助了我不少。经常夸我有个天使宝宝,鼓励我和孩子他爸,让我们有信心带好宝宝。虽然带孩子经验丰富,但是也愿意接受我们提出不同的意见。
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The reviews below were posted more than 600 days ago and they are no longer factored into the caregiver's overall rating. Request a background check to access the complete content of the following historical reviews and additional offline feedback.
    1131 days agoTLDR:把......