

5.0 (4 reviews)

Job seeking

谢彩莲 looking for jobs
Service areas: 全美接单
Start date: 2025/5/20起
Service types: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady), Live-in nanny, Live-out nanny, Meal Prep
1 week ago


Phone:+1 (626) 662-8815 
Wechat ID:Che3387 
Wechat ID:QR Code
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Basic Information

From: Guangdong, China
Languages: Mandarin, Cantonese
Services: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)

Service areas

Serve anyware in USA

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Customer Reviews

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  • Evidence Submitted
    7 months ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    很快26天的月子服务就要结束了,很舍不得我的神仙月嫂莲姐,很感谢她对我和宝宝的爱心陪伴:以及照顾,莲姐虽然胖一点、但是做事干净利落,宝宝用品归类摆放,照顾宝宝的细节细心,拍嗝,换尿不湿,洗澡,抚触、做被动操都是轻手轻脚的,还手把手的教我们夫妻两人怎么带孩子,,托住宝宝的那个部位舒服,有安全感,才不哭闹,把宝宝的睡眠调的非常规律,肠涨气期及时手法和调理早干预。宝宝平静度过涨气期,相信很多新手爸妈都会跟我们一样手忙脚乱的,我俩跟莲姐学会了有条不乱不慌温柔照顾宝宝,很庆幸请到她,因为之前订的月嫂国内家里有事,要回国处理,来不了"临时决定请的莲姐,当时还担心不知行不行,结果来了让我感觉到自己没找错人,她就是一个开心果,大大咧咧的·经常开玩笑逗我开心,说怕我忧郁,我因为自身原因没有办法喂母乳,她就给弄回奶茶,各种各样汤汤水水调理身体:还煲艾叶姜等中药水洗头洗澡、整个月子下来还算轻松度过了,在这谢谢我的月嫂莲姐,辛苦了,朋友来家里都我说脸色红润了身材恢复得不错👍、各位孕妈想要找月嫂可以找我要她的联系方式,她的档期已经排到十月底了,想要订她得提前,感恩感谢莲姐,爱你哟😘... Show more
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  • 9 months ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    Hi all! I'd like to introduce my yue sao, Cherry Xie, whom we just finished our postpartum month with. Just a few quick tidbits, if you are interested please DM me and I can definitely share her direct contact info. Thanks for your time and I wholeheartedly recommend Cherry to any expecting moms out there, who are looking to hire a quality nanny for a positive postpartum experience!

    1. She is able to travel across the US to help take care of moms and babies, for 1, 2, or even up to 3 months at a time! Please arrange travel directly with her.
    2. She is an excellent cook, making 3 meals a day with snacks/desserts/drinks as well - a full menu so you will eat very well! She can adjust and tailor to various flavor profiles and substitute ingredients with ease (sharing a few samples of her delicious food!)
    3. She is great with our baby, helping to soothe her and even slept with the baby each night so my husband and I could rest - day or night, she genuinely loves newborns and her care really shows.
    4. She was great in teaching us first-time parents how to properly care for the baby, from diaper changes to bath time, how to treat diaper rashes.
    5. Her package did include assistance with breastfeeding and cooking both teas and soups, so my milk supply would flow. She was super helpful during my recovery, very flexible and worked extremely hard to care for the baby, cook and wash dishes, do small household chores, etc. throughout the day - so I could focus on rest.
    6. She has specific training and certifications, and about 12 years of experience in this field of postpartum and newborn care. More details can be discussed between yourself and Cherry.

    ... Show more
  • 9 months ago | USA
    Service type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)
    今天终于出月子了!感谢我的广东月嫂莲姐在我坐月子期间对我的照顾每天给我做各种各样的汤汤水水和月子餐我爸妈说我一点也不像坐月子的人气色特别好我们也是第一当爸爸妈妈莲姐教我们如何喂宝宝护理宝宝坐月子无聊的时候我们分享零食聊八卦一整个月子做下来很舒服字吊手... Show more

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