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【持有证件】 美国驾照.工卡.医疗保险.健康证.体检报告. 高级月嫂资格证.催乳师资格证 我是美国本地月嫂,家住洛杉矶,在美国有驾照,有医疗保险,有工卡。主接洛杉矶和旧金山湾区的单。 2010 年开始做月嫂至今,带过双胞胎、单胎、早产儿、服务过小产,各种各样的产妇,服务过 80 多个宝贝。 本人性格开朗,细心随和,有责任心,爱心、 善于沟通、多做事少讲话的好月嫂。做事踏实,月子营养餐,药材搭配营养汤, 懂得催乳、 通奶、产妇伤口护理,月子调理,BB 冲凉,抚触,被 动操,黄疸观察,大小便观察,观察 BB 健康状态。 月嫂工作职责: 1. 全面照顾新生儿的生活: 新生儿喂养,新生儿洗澡,新生儿用品洗涤清理,观察新生儿大小便及其他生理情况,汇报并作出专业对应处理。 2. 产妇: 专业的指导产妇基本新生儿喂养知识和新生儿照顾注意事项 3. 月子餐: 三餐两点,做完工作对应饮食负责工作对应厨房清洁 4. 新生儿起居环境: 清洁婴儿用品,摆放整洁、干净、卫生,及时处理房间垃圾。
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- 3 months ago | USAService type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)Nanny Chen assisted us for the first month after the birth our our second baby, after she was referred by a friend. She was a great help and I attributed the speed of my physical recovery to her support in those early weeks.
During her month with us she really took charge of all meals. She prepared my breakfast and lunch/dinner for the whole family (which included my husband, toddler and mother). She also made me two snacks per day, often fruit and something sweet in the afternoon. The food Nanny Chen was tasty and she was quick and efficient in the kitchen.
She was also a godsend in her help with overnight wake ups. The baby slept in a room with her overnight and when the baby would wake, Nanny Chen would bring her to me since I was nursing and help to change diapers and put the baby back to sleep. This helped me maximize my sleep.
She was firm but also generally easy going and made the setup of living together comfortable. I do not speak Chinese but my husband does and she/I were able to find our ways to communicate easily.
I am so appreciative of the support she gave me and my whole family and would welcome her again if we had another child and would recommend her to others.DeleteShare - 5 months ago | USAService type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)特别感谢陈阿姨的悉心照料!
1. 陈阿姨经常给宝宝唱歌,陪她说话,阿姨会很有耐心的陪伴、安抚宝宝。很细心的关心妈妈的状况。
2. 陈阿姨认真观察着宝宝的状况,及时提醒我们跟儿医交流。宝宝成长过程中遇到一些常见的状况,比如胎毒或者宝宝便便的变化,都靠阿姨及时发现,让我们可以有效跟医生交流,获得帮助。
3. 日常照料中,陈阿姨会主动告诉我们一些注意事项,提醒我们之后如何带宝宝。DeleteShare - 6 months ago | USAService type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)珍姨是一位经验丰富、开朗随和的月嫂。珍姨对宝宝非常有耐心,脸上总挂着笑容。经过一个多月的相处,能感觉到宝宝跟珍姨在一起建立起来的安全感。晚上珍姨跟宝宝住在一个房间,每次宝宝夜醒,珍姨都能耐心地喂奶、拍嗝,尤其是月子里的宝宝夜醒频繁。另外,珍姨会主动陪同宝爸带宝宝一起去检查身体。每次宝宝大便,珍姨都给宝宝洗PP, 一个多月宝宝基本没有红PP。对待产妇,珍姨会每天给我做各样的月子汤。珍姨非常擅长煲汤做鱼,味道鲜美。作为北方人,我也跟珍姨学了几招煲汤的方法,准备等珍姨下户之后自己试试。因为我是剖腹产,月子里一开始行动不便,珍姨会每隔一天给我煮艾草水,擦身、泡脚、洗头。珍姨也会准备日常的一日三餐,每次做完饭都清理好厨房。DeleteShare
- 8 months ago | USAService type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)懷孕三個多月時開始找月嫂, 面試幾位後最後定了珍姐。珍姐是個開朗的人, 臉上總是有笑容。她帶娃很有經驗, 在我們第一次生娃不知所措時提供許多寶貴示範及意見, 並且幫助新手寶媽買齊許多裝備, 比如奶瓶消毒櫃, 尿布垃圾桶等。 她會在幫寶寶換尿布時順便做撫觸, 做運動唱兒歌, 半夜寶寶哼哼唧唧時很有耐心的哄睡, 遇到寶寶吐奶等狀況也能及時解決。 有不同意見時也能即時溝通,解決問題。做飯也不錯,口味較清淡健康。總體體驗還不錯, 是個耐心負責的人。DeleteShare
- 9 months ago | USAService type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)经过最近一个月的相处与合作,珍姨无疑是一个经验丰富、技术过硬的月嫂。从她照顾宝宝的方方面面看来,是一个对孩子真心富有爱心的人。她会温柔的给宝宝唱歌陪玩哄睡,凌晨的时候宝宝一有风吹草动也是马上起身观察照料。这一个月里吃过珍姨熬的各种甜品鸡汤补品,也跟珍姨学习补充了很多育儿方面和帮助宝妈恢复身体的技巧与知识。很幸运能有这次和谐的经历,在珍姨手把手的指导下我们作为新手爸妈也逐渐接上了育儿的轨道。非常推荐珍姨这位非常友善同时又可靠的月嫂。DeleteShare
- 10 months ago | USAService type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)珍姨是我的月嫂,真的很感謝有她的幫忙。讓我在產後可以有人可以照顧好寶寶,順便幫我調理身體、通奶及準備飲食。在她身上學到了很多照顧寶寶的知識,真的對我跟我老公都非常受用。幫寶寶換尿布、拍嗝、洗澡等,每一個小地方都要學,很謝謝她無微不至的照顧寶寶,感覺得出來她是真心愛著每個孩子。DeleteShare
- 11 months ago | USAService type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)认识珍姨是在朋友坐月子的时候,那时候自己还没有怀孕,从旁观察,觉得是个很有责任心的月搜。印象最深刻的是有一次在宝宝们的聚会上,朋友带着宝宝去喂奶了,珍姨一人在客厅等着,另一个宝妈去上厕所,她的宝宝一个人躺在婴儿车里。远远的看到珍姨主动过去安抚照顾另一个宝宝。虽然就短短的几分钟,但看得出来珍姨是一个真正发自内心热爱这份职业,喜爱宝宝的人。当我得知自己怀孕时,便第一时间找朋友要了联系方式,果断定下了珍姨的档期。
月嫂是一个很残酷的工作,她所经历的是一个从相熟相知到不得不分离的循环过程。月嫂是宝宝离开医院后,遇到的第一个“陌生人”,也是记忆中淡忘最快的一个人。所以这是一份需要从骨子里就附有职业使命的工作。珍姨就是这样一位月嫂。DeleteShare - 1 year ago | USAService type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)珍姨 was my 月嫂. I found her through this forum and on initial chat she gave me an honest and easy going impression, both proved to be true. She is proactive and takes initiative. The day I came home from the hospital was when she arrived. She was already cooking and getting things ready by the time I got home. I was glad she was experienced enough to know how to use my bottle sterilizer without me showing her knows how to wash his bottles, bathe him, etc.. these were all things that I thought I would need to go over but there was no need.. she is gentle with my newborn. I appreciate her washing his bottom after every bowel movement. She is also well aware on how to help him with passing gas. She cooked 3 meals a day for my family (including my hubby and toddler). There were occasions where my parents visited and she had no problems cooking for them as well. I really appreciate her going beyond her duties of solely taking care of me and my newborn. She would offer to help me wash my toddler's lunchbox, mops the kitchen floor daily, cleans the stove daily. She is also friendly to my toddler. Her cooking is good. Favorite dishes from her is the vinegar pigs feet, soy sauce chicken. She also makes a delicious chili sauce.DeleteShare
- 1 year ago | USAService type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)珍姨是位非常出色的月嫂,她非常和善也很好讲话。和她相处的时候很愉快,使得我们之间的交流也非常顺畅。我们回来的第一天珍姨就给我催奶并且开始了给宝妈的基础护理,给了我这新妈妈很大的帮助。而且我和我的家人都非常喜欢她的帮助。
总之,珍姨是一位非常出色的月嫂,她的服务让我们感到非常满意和舒心。她的温和、耐心和细致,使得我们感到非常放心和安心。如果你正在寻找一位照顾新生儿的专业人员,我会推荐珍姨。她会给你和你的家人带来非常好的体验和服务,让你在这个特殊的时期感到更加轻松和愉快。DeleteShare - 1 year ago | USAService type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)怀孕第8周的时候,就定了珍姨。 那时候时间充裕,面试了红黑榜上的很多月嫂,聊到珍姨的时候,被她乐观且干练的状态吸引,有种人狠话不多的感觉,哈哈,非常喜欢,就定了。
2:珍姨晚上陪宝宝睡觉非常的负责。我和队友在医院平均每天只能睡3个小时,我们从医院刚回到家,因为宝宝还很小, 我最担心的就是宝宝晚上睡觉的时候会不会呛奶,溢奶,或者哭了饿了,有没有及时有人处理。珍姨晚上睡得很浅,宝宝一有动静,她马上就从陪睡的小床上起来去查看,动作非常的迅速,还会温柔得轻声安慰宝宝,给宝宝唱歌,我这个亲妈在没睡好的时候,都做不到这样。我在房间放了监控,看到珍姨这样敏杰的反应,终于可以安心得睡整觉了。
4:人狠话不多,这个是我个人喜好,我不喜欢太爱聊天和啰嗦的人,哈哈,特别是坐月子的时候。 珍姨是个很开朗的人,平时自己会喜欢听听歌唱唱歌,自己是自己的快乐源泉,可以把快乐传给宝宝。DeleteShare - 1 year ago | USAService type: Yue Sao (Confinement Lady)Zhen Yi was my confinement nanny for 2 months, and I highly recommend her services. It was my first time having professional help for my sitting month, so leading up to the birth, she gave me a lot of guidance. This ranges from the type of ingredients to have on hand for my sponge baths, to what she will be cooking for dinner, and to walk me through what a 24 hour day would look like. She also told me in the event I delivered early, that she will have back up in case she is on another job. I didn't even think of that, so I can see this is something a seasoned nanny would foresee. Communication is extremely important here so we were both transparent with our expectations, and talked through whether they're realistic.
I notified her when I had delivered my baby girl, and I made plans to send for an uber to pick her up after I was discharged from the hospital. She confirmed she was negative for Covid before coming over. She showed up wearing a mask, with a small suitcase. She immediately went to take a shower and then put on the brand new pair of slippers she had brought, signaling she is not bringing any outside dirt into the home and especially near the baby. Once I showed her around the house, she started preparing food and drinks for me as the baby was napping. She has a general meal plan for each recovery stage, so I took her lead. Everything was delicious and I even learned to cook some new things!
One of the most important things that Zhen Yi helped me with was increasing my milk supply. I had terrible engorgement, and she immediately gave me massages to avoid mastitis. You can tell she has been trained for it, and the relief was instant. I also have a toddler son, an English-speaking husband, and my Cantonese-speaking parents living with us. She really integrated into my family for those 2 months, and even included cooking dinner for everyone.
Zhen Yi really helped me get through the 4th trimester, allowing me to rest and also nourishing me to increase milk and recover. In such a difficult time, I found her very easy going, and easy to communicate with even though my Cantonese is mediocre. If there was something I didn't like, I would tell her and she would adjust so I would be more comfortable. Most importantly, she knew exactly what to do during those chaotic sleep patterns and early fussiness. Confinement nanny is an extremely tough job, but I have nothing but positive things to say about my experience and would highly recommend her.DeleteShare
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