Disclaimer: This sample report below illustrates areas we investigate during a background check. All details are fictional and for demonstration only.


The following table provides a summary of 陈美丽's background check, with additional details available in the corresponding sections.

Work Authorization
Historical Reviews
Offline Feedback
County Criminal Courthouse Records
Federal Criminal Records
Federal Civil Cases
Sex Offenders
Prohibited Parties Check
Department of Corrections


Nannies occasionally use a different name when applying for a job. To confirm their actual identity, we performed an extensive search across various databases.

Result: Highlighted for Attention

It was discovered that the individual has used an alternate name “陈晓丽” when applying for jobs. Records associated with this name indicate concerning feedback, such as a lack of care for newborns and unprofessional behavior towards infants.

Work Authorization

Under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA), it is illegal for employers to knowingly hire or employ individuals who are not authorized to work in the United States. The following documents are commonly used to confirm employment authorization:
  • U.S. passport or U.S. passport card.
  • Form I-551, Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Receipt Card (this is commonly called a green card)
  • Foreign passport that contains a temporary I-551 stamp or temporary I-551 printed notation on a machine-readable immigrant visa (MRIV).
  • Form I-766, Employment Authorization Document (EAD).

Result: Highlighted for Attention

Available records suggest that the individual is not a U.S. citizen and last entered the United States on April 25, 2022, on a B1/B2 visa, which does not authorize employment.

Historical Reviews

Reviews from the past 730 days are available for free on our website. For those seriously considering hiring, older reviews provided in this background check report may offer additional insights.

Result: Highlighted for Attention


Offline Feedback

Some clients prefer to share feedback through private channels rather than posting public reviews. These comments, not published online, are confidentially integrated into our reports, ensuring reviewer anonymity.

Result: Highlighted for Attention

刚知道有private review,所以特意来留个言。虽然事情过去两年多了,但回想起来还是有些不满。陈阿姨最后两周不停提醒我们给她五星好评,虽然她整体上照顾宝宝还行,但有几件事让我不满意。她坚持和宝宝同床睡,尽管我准备了床边床并多次强调不要抱睡或趴睡,但她并没有遵守。有一次我发现宝宝竟趴睡在大床上,明显没把我们的嘱咐放在心上。因为我的母乳量少,宝宝不太愿意衔乳,她就总是说我不够努力,还说她以前带的妈妈都没有奶这么少的,让我郁闷了很久。


Records dating back to the early 1990s and before have not been digitized and therefore are not available in electronic format.

Result: Clear

No digitized bankruptcy records associated with the individual were found.

County Criminal Courthouse Records

County Criminal Records Searches are useful in uncovering criminal court records, including but not limited to felonies and misdemeanors.

Result: Highlighted for Attention

Records indicate that in October 2022, the individual was charged with issuing a worthless check to a local business. Although the resulting civil lawsuit was settled out of court, the criminal charge remains on record.

Federal Criminal Records

Federal cases typically involve violations of federal criminal law, such as tax evasion, fraud, embezzlement, mail and wire fraud, immigration law violations, postal offenses, interstate drug trafficking, arms violations, kidnapping, and other crimes that occurred on federal property and/or violate federal laws.

Result: Clear

No Federal Criminal Records associated with the individual were found.

Federal Civil Cases

Federal Civil Records Search offers nationwide access to federal litigation dockets for adjudicated civil cases from all U.S. Federal District courts excluding Alaska, Guam, Idaho, New Mexico, and Northern Marianas Islands.

Result: Clear

No Federal Civil Cases associated with the individual were found.

Sex Offenders

We conducted a search for registered sex offenders in a comprehensive nationwide database that consolidates public information from state, territorial, and local registries.

Result: Clear

The individual is not listed as a national sex offender.

Prohibited Parties Check

The global reach of terrorism in today’s world makes it essential that every applicant is screened against the list of known entities not allowed to work or do business with the United States. Prohibited Parties Check searches the applicant’s name against several U.S. Government watch lists to identify any known prohibited individuals or entities.

Result: Clear

No known prohibited individuals or entities associated with the individual were found.

Department of Corrections

We also searched the local Department of Corrections that may pick up additional relevant data such as arrest records, outstanding warrants, and convictions.

Result: Highlighted for Attention

Records show that the individual was arrested in January 2021 for a misdemeanor related to disorderly conduct. The incident occurred during a domestic dispute, and the individual was briefly incarcerated. The charge was later downgraded, and the individual completed a court-mandated anger management program.